CALLAS NEWS: CALLAS at ACII 2009 Amsterdam
ACII 2009 is the premier international forum for state of the art in research on affective and multi modal human-machine interaction and systems.
Several CALLAS papers have been presented at the conference, about:
"Evaluation of Multimodal Sequential Expressions of Emotions in ECA" see abstract
By Niewiadomski R., Hyniewska S., Pelachaud C.[TCOM]
"A Model of Personality and Emotional Traits" see abstract
By McRorie M., Sneddon I.[Queen's University, Belfast], de Sevin E., Bevacqua E., Pelachaud C. [TCOM]
"Towards User-Independent Classification of Multimodal Emotional Signals" see abstract
By Kim J., Andre' E., Vogt T.[UOA]
"Real-time vocal emotion recognition in artistic installations and interactive storytelling: Experiences and lessons learnt from CALLAS and IRIS" see abstract
By Vogt T., Andre’ E.[UOA], Wagner J., Gilroy S.W., Charles F., Cavazza M.[TEES]
"Smart sensor integration: A framework for multimodal emotion recognition in real-time" see abstract
By Wagner J., André E., Jung F.[UOA]
"Requirements and Software Framework for Adaptive Multimodal Affect Recognition" see abstract
By Elena Vildjiounaite, Vesa Kyllönen, Olli Vuorinen, Satu-Marja Mäkelä, Tommi Keränen, Markus Niiranen, Jouni Knuutinen, Johannes Peltola [VTT]
"Affect sensing in speech: Studying fusion of linguistic and acoustic features" see abstract
By Osherenko, A., Andre', E., Vogt, T.[UOA]
"PAD-based Multimodal Affective Fusion" see abstract
By Gilroy, S.W. Cavazza [TEES], M. Niiranen, M. Andre, E. Vogt[UOA], T. Urbain[FPMS], J. Benayoun, M. Seichter, H. Billinghurst, M. [HITNZ]
"Differentiated semantic analysis in lexical affect sensing" see abstract
By Osherenko, A., Andre', E. [UOA]
"ElectroEmotion – A Tool for Producing Emotional Corpora Collaboratively" see abstract
By Liikkanen L., Jacucci G., Helin M [TKK]