LREC 2008 is the 6th international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. The Conference provided an overview of the state-of-the-art, explored new R&D directions and emerging trends, exchanged information regarding LRs and their applications, evaluation methodologies and tools, ongoing and planned activities, industrial uses and needs, requirements coming from the e-society, both with respect to policy issues and to technological and organisational ones.A CALLAS Paper was in the agenda of the Conference:
By Liikkanen, L.A., Huvio, E., Samperio, R.[The Helsinki Institute for Information Technology] Seppänen, T., Väyrynen, E [Univ. of Oulu]
"Developing Affective Intelligence For An Interactive Installation: Insights From A Design Process"Abstract
"Developing Affective Intelligence For An Interactive Installation: Insights From A Design Process"Abstract