Real-time emotion recognition from speech

EmoVoice, the real-time speech emotion recognition component, provides a framework for building an emotion classifier and for recognizing emotions in real-time. It extracts from speech signals a vector of emotion-relevant acoustic features (e.g. derived from pitch, energy, voice quality, pauses, spectral information) and then uses a statistical classifier, trained by examples, to assign emotion labels. Thus, the component relies on acoustic information only, word meanings are not used.

Availability of the component: Reference contacts are Thurid Vogt and Elisabeth André of University of Augsburg.
Notes: EmoVoice as toolbox for SSI is now available freely for download under the GNU Public Licences. All information on how to download EmoVoice are provided here  A registration prior to the download is necessary. Combination of EmoVoice with SSI, includes modules for database creation; feature extraction + classifier building and testing; online recognition. Currently, there is no classifier or training data provided with EmoVoice: to create an own classifier based on self-recorded emotional speech corpus the SSI/ModelUI is also needed. The SSI Framework is a prerequisite to change or to recompile EmoVoice. Both the framework and ModelUI can be obtained from here.

Recently integrated into Smart Sensor Integration CALLAS toolkit, the component comes with a graphical user interface to record an emotional database reference for training a classifier tailored to a specific task: see also dedicated page

Besides functional tests, extensive experimentation in CALLAS is done in Scientific Showcases: The component is also used in Proof-of-Concepts applications and other demonstrators:
Reference to the component and its usage can be found in CALLAS Newsletter3 and in the following CALLAS papers and articles:

Logical flow of CALLAS Emotion Recognition from Acoustic Features component
Last Updated on Friday, 02 July 2010 08:22