5/Oct/08: CALLAS and Companions


In the occasion of the 4th International Workshop on Human-Computer Conversation, organised in Bellagio (Italy), representatives of several research institutions in the CALLAS Consortium (Marc Cavazza (University of Teesside) Elisabeth Andre (University of Augsburg) Thierry Dutoit (Faculty of Engineering, Mons), Catherine Pelachaud (Université Paris 8)  participated to a discussion meeting organised by Yorick Wilks, coordinator of the Companions project .
Technology/research issues common to both projects were examined and the potential for joint synergies  debugged to explore more strict inter-project collaboration forms.
representatives of CALLAS and Companions meet in Bellagio (1)CALLAS and COMPANIOS: meetin in Bellagio

For more information: m.o.cavazza@tees.ac.uk
Last Updated on Tuesday, 14 October 2008 12:29