1-4/April/08 CALLAS at AISB'08

CALLAS NEWS: CALLAS at AISB and MOG 2008 Aberdeen (Scotland)

Follow-up of its participation to MOG 2007, the CALLAS project attended AISB 2008, the annual event organised by University of Aberdeen.

A Symposium on Affective Language in Human and Machine was hold in the context of the AISB Convention hosting an invited talk of A. Osherenko [UOA] within the session of “Semantics, Pragmatics and Discourse” where it was illustrated the theme of “Towards Semantic Affect Sensing in Sentences”.
Prof. Andre’ of UOA was in Program Committee and she also organised the MOG 2008 workshop. The focus of MOG was on bringing work on multimodal output generation from different disciplines together to establish common ground and discuss possible future collaborations. Besides contributions from research fields such as multimodal language generation and embodied conversational agents, an additional area of interest was investigating how research on multimodal output generation can benefit from a non-engineering perspective on multimodality.
Last Updated on Thursday, 20 May 2010 08:34